The Light Body holds the informational blueprints of our multidimensional self and commands the cells to carry out, with impeccable perfection, the Soul's Divine Plan. Light Body mastery is attained through the heightened awareness of that which either enhances or diminishes the quality of one's energy field. To maximize the conductivity of the Light Body is to fully capitalize on the synergy that exists between these Cosmic Keys. For example, vitalizing and clearing the physical vessel opens a more direct channel to connect with Source. Likewise, in refining our intuitive abilities of discernment, we make clearer choices that synchronize the manifestation of our Soul's purpose. Furthermore, when one dissolves emotional debris, doubt and fear are replaced by faith and confidence to step into one's fullest embodiment.

   The Light School intensive curriculum is a progression of experiences designed to clear, activate and initiate the Light Body. This individual preparation lays the foundation for our collective Light Force to enhance planetary healing and awakening.

First Key: ACTIVATE the Body Temple’s Potential

   The physical body is the vehicle for your Spiritual Light in this lifetime. The strength and vitality of this Sacred Vessel directly determines the capacity and quality of your light. The Light School embodies the integration of vibrant health practices into daily living such as active breathing, sacred movement, superior nutrition, solar infusion and communion with living waters.


      • Movement ~ yoga, tai chi, hiking, ecstatic trance dance, archetypal body expression
      • Nourishment ~ fresh, organic, vibrant living foods, specialized charged elixirs
      • Breath ~ transformational breath work, daily pranayama, vital energy
      • Water ~ infusing, charging, interacting, cleansing, releasing, hydrating
      • Earth ~ utilizing magnetic fields for healing, recharging, gratitude and grounding
      • Fire ~ sun-gazing, sunbathing, sun foods, healing nature & properties of
      • Nature ~ cohesive connection with all of creation, honoring all life
      • Fasting ~ abstaining from various substances, influences, thoughts & experiences

Second Key: CLEAR The Channels of the Light Body

   Unhealthy mental/emotional patterns combined with limiting core beliefs clog the channels of the Light Body.Once source imprints are identified and transmuted, you are a clearer conduit through which Divine Grace flows. The Light School provides various techniques for reclaiming your Light Body, managing your energy fields and reestablishing your personal power.

Shamanic tools, guided visualizations, workshop interaction, vibrational sound, journaling and other approaches will be utilized to transform emotional and mental density into light. You will emerge feeling lighter, brighter and clearer than ever before with a deeper understanding of your own light body and specific tools on how to manage its energy field in all life situations.

Third Key: REFINE the Spiritual Communion

   An active participation with the Divine requires us to recognize and embody the Divine Within. In navigating across the bridge between Self and Divinity, we tangibly experience ourselves as a creative holographic expression of The Source. The Light School provides techniques for opening these channels and interfacing Spirit through advanced meditations, guided visualizations, soul journeys, and sacred ceremonies.

When we engage the Soul as a vehicle towards Source, we begin to establish an Axis of Light upon which to clearly travel through the subtler dimensions of Creation. It is from this state of spiritual definition that we can journey through the upper branches of our own Cosmic Tree and make tangible our Higher Self. Techniques for staying lucid in heightened consciousness guide our ability to sustain these states and bring permanent shifts in our daily lives. Heaven on Earth is a boundless journey integrating the Divine into form.

Fourth Key: CRYSTALLIZE Personal Vision and Purpose

   Once our connection with the Divine is established, we can precipitate the dewdrop of our Individual Light as it pertains to our Life Path. We each carry unique Light Codes that are designed to be unlocked and manifested – these seeds or divine blueprints hold the keys of why we chose to enter the Earth Journey. Clarifying our vision and refining our own inherent magic are fundamental tools provided at the Light School to prepare us for walking our Purpose.

Within the guidance and group synergy of the Light School, these gifts will be called out and actively supported as you awaken into your Core Light. In learning to listen to the messages around us, the whole world becomes a sounding board to dialogue with and receive answers regarding our intentions. ‘Conscious Evolution’ simply means reinstating our highest potential in every moment and infusing our True Purpose in every breath.

Fifth Key: ANCHOR Divine Inspiration into Reality

   When Divine inspiration is received it is imperative to plant, nourish and cultivate those seeds into manifestation with complete faith and absolute devotion. YOU and only you are capable of this action. With the support of Spirit and community, challenges become opportunities, faith transcends fear, uninspired mediocrity transforms into inspired passionate living and your cosmic seeds blossom into abundant harvest. The Light School shares specific techniques to manage this day-to-day transformational process to help you align with your Divine birthright of a blissful and joyful life on your Dharma path.

We will assist you in grounding your unique Divine inspirations into specific actionable steps. Utilizing the envisioning processes, intention setting, laws of attraction, manifestation mantras and crystal grids along with many other proven approaches, your cosmic seeds planted in this fertile soil will produce a bountiful harvest for all. This is the most important and essential key to walking the path of a Light Messenger. We are here to make a difference in the world by manifesting these visions into reality and sharing these gifts with those waiting to receive them.

More than ever, louder than ever, both Mother Earth and human consciousness are calling for deep healing, harmony, love and nourishment. It is time to step into our place and claim the role each of us individually has been assigned to bring this into sacred union once again. Working together consciously, peacefully and lovingly, allowing the synergy of our gifts and the synchronicity of the Divine Plan to unfold, we can and will bring into existence Heaven on Earth.